Red Hat Linux

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LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 01. Introduction
01-Introduction and Syllabus.flv96.87 Mb torrent search
02-Register for the Exam.flv108.86 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 02. Network Adminstration
03-Configure Network Services to Start Automatically at Boot - Sysvinit Method.flv30.48 Mb torrent search
04-Configure Network Services to Start Automatically at Boot - SystemD Method.flv33.87 Mb torrent search
05-Implement Packet Filtering.flv59.23 Mb torrent search
06-Monitor Network Performance.flv93.63 Mb torrent search
07-Produce and Delivery Reports on System Use Outages and User Requests.flv115.37 Mb torrent search
08-Route IP Traffic Statically and Dynamically - Dynamic Route.flv85.24 Mb torrent search
09-Route IP Traffic Statically and Dynamically - Static Route.flv24.65 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 03. Network Filesystems and File Services
10-Configure Systems to Mount Standard - Standard Filesystems.flv43.6 Mb torrent search
11-Configure Systems to Mount Standard - Encrypted Filesystems.flv51.13 Mb torrent search
12-Configure Systems to Mount Standard - Network Filesystems.flv31.4 Mb torrent search
13-Create Mount and Unmount Standard Linux File Systems.flv99.83 Mb torrent search
14-ProvideConfigure Network Shares via NFS - Server Setup.flv56.53 Mb torrent search
15-ProvideConfigure Network Shares via NFS - Client Setup.flv66.4 Mb torrent search
16-Transfer Files Security Via the Network - SCP.flv51.91 Mb torrent search
17-Transfer Files Security Via the Network - SFTP.flv64.77 Mb torrent search
18-Update Packages from the Network - RHELCentOS - Apache Setup.flv34.1 Mb torrent search
19-Update Packages from the Network - Repo Server.flv59.15 Mb torrent search
20-Update Packages from the Network - RHELCentOS Client Setup.flv35.04 Mb torrent search
21-Update Packages from the Network - Debian-Ubuntu - ProFTP Setup.flv29.9 Mb torrent search
22-Update Packages from the Network - Repository Server.flv58.18 Mb torrent search
23-Update Packages from the Network - Client Setup.flv64.56 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 04. Network Security
24. Configure Apache Log Files.flv71.6 Mb torrent search
25. Configure the Firewall with IPTables.flv105.49 Mb torrent search
26. Install and Configure SSL with Apache Server Configuration.flv39.56 Mb torrent search
27. Install and Configure SSL with Apache Certificates and Keys.flv41 Mb torrent search
28. Configuring SSH-Based Remote Access Using PublicPrivate Key Pairs.flv54.7 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 05. Remote Access
29-Configure the Firewall with IPTables.flv108.43 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 06. HTTP Services
30. Configure an HTTP Client to Automatically Use a Proxy Server.flv126.64 Mb torrent search
31. Install and Configure an Apache Web Server - RedHat-CentOS.flv162.42 Mb torrent search
32. Install and Configure an Apache Web Server - Debian-Ubuntu.flv88.4 Mb torrent search
33. Install and Configure the Squid Proxy Server.flv123.71 Mb torrent search
34. Install and Configure the Squid Proxy Server - Using SquidGuard.flv60.08 Mb torrent search
35. Install and Configure the Squid Proxy Server - Blacklist and Filtering.flv96.67 Mb torrent search
36. Restrict Access to a Web Page with Apache.flv43.59 Mb torrent search
37. Restrict Access to the Squid Proxy Server.flv47.33 Mb torrent search
38. Setting Up Name Based Virtual Web Hosts - Debian-Ubuntu HTTP.flv76.86 Mb torrent search
39. Setting Up Name Based Virtual Web Hosts - Debian-Ubuntu HTTPS.flv97.81 Mb torrent search
40. Setting Up Name Based Virtual Web Hosts - Red Hat-CentOS HTTP.flv52.37 Mb torrent search
41. Setting Up Name Based Virtual Web Hosts - Red Hat-CentOS HTTPS.flv30.11 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 07. Email Services
42. Configure Email Aliases.flv23.47 Mb torrent search
43. Install and Configure an SMTP Service.flv68.93 Mb torrent search
44. Restrict Access to an SMTP Server.flv61.34 Mb torrent search
45. Install and Configure an IMAP and IMAPS Service IMAP-IMAPS.flv64.93 Mb torrent search
46. Install and Configure an SMTP Service Client Setup and Testing.flv23.47 Mb torrent search

LinuxAcademy - Linux Foundation Certified Engineer (LFCE)
 08. Conclusion
47-Conclusion and Next Steps.flv                                  49.61 Mb torrent searc